Our Story


Entrepreneurs, Yasmin and Kelly McKenzie operate four other food trucks in Vancouver.

Kelly and Green Coast Coffee have been serving Vancouver film sets, markets and festivals for 7 years. Yasmin has been creating gourmet and classic grilled cheese sandwiches with Meltcity and Mom’s Grilled Cheese for over a decade. Together they bring a lot of expertise to the table, they deliver a unique, fun and celebratory product to their clients. With an absence of this type of food truck in the Vancouver market they saw an opportunity to cater to the influx of weddings and parties due to happen in a post-covid world. The Italian inspiration comes from not only a love for Italian food and drinks but Yasmin’s family as well. On one side of Yasmin’s family are Italian chefs and cooks who have been making Aperitivo a special time to eat, drink and gather.